Guests and visitors to your student flat

Guests and visitors

Our guests and visitors policy

Your studio flat is great for independent living, but we know sometimes you may want friends or family to visit.

Which is why we not only allow but encourage guests and visitors at CODE Student Accommodation.

You will need to let visitors into the building. You can pop down to any of the fob-controlled entrances to let them in. 

Once on site, your friends can happily explore, including making use of the communal games room, cinema and study spaces as long as you are with them. 

We also love to see your guests at our free social events, and you will be able to invite them to many activities, including the Welcome Party at the start of term, as long as you accompany them.

Overnight guests

If you want a visitor to stay overnight, that's not a problem! And there is no need to let us know. All we ask is your guest stays for a maximum of two weeks at a time.

If a friend pops round to your studio flat, please consider your neighbours and keep noise to a minimum. You might not have any work to do, but they might be planning a night of revision. 

The rules bit

We ask you to be responsible for the conduct of guests/ visitors, this includes making sure they do not cause a nuisance to other tenants or cause any damage. If damage is caused in your flat or in any communal area by your guests, you will be liable and will be asked to pay for any costs as outlined in your contract with CODE.

We ask all visitors to make sure they close entrance doors after them and are courteous to other residents. 

Certain things such as drugs and offensive weapons are not allowed on site. A full list of the rules you and your visitors should follow are outlined in your contract/tenancy agreement.

If your guest does not follow the rules outlined by CODE, they may be asked to leave by our on-site staff or security team. In some cases, we may stop your guest from entering the site altogether.