International students | CODE Leicester

International students

Welcome to the UK

If you're travelling from another country to the UK, here is some useful advice.

What to do before you arrive at CODE

Please make sure you complete your 'to-do' list before you arrive. This includes:

  • Completing your Induction forms + Health and Safety module (coming soon) on your student portal
  • Adding a photograph to your student portal where your face can clearly be seen.
  • Upload a photo of your student ID to the My Documents section of your student portal. 

Arriving at CODE 

When arriving on site we will ask you to go to our offices. 

We will process your documentation as quickly as possible, we will then hand you your keys. 

Other useful information

Food deliveries

If you would like food delivered to you at CODE you can download the following apps that will deliver to one of the gates to the building:

You can also arrange delivery from large supermarket chains.


British tap water is completely safe to drink straight from the tap. It is said to be one of the best water supplies in the world, and water quality is regularly monitored by an independent organisation called the Drinking Water Inspectorate to ensure our water is both clean and safe to drink.

Water in our city is classed as 'hard water' due to the high mineral content. Sometime this causes a cloudy appearance but it does not cause any health risks. However, some people like to improve the purity of their water with a water filter.


When you order items, they'll be delivered to our parcel service and we will email you when they arrive.

When you receive an email to say your parcel has arrived, but come down to the parcel collection (in Block D Foyer) to collect it. 

You can also order items to be delivered before you arrive. We will keep hold of these in our parcel room until you have collected your keys.

Opening a bank account

We advise you open a bank account in the UK to keep your money safe. You can then get a debit card to make contactless payments and/or and take cash out from a cash point (ATM).

There are many banks in the UK offering varying products and services. It is a good idea to do some research to find the right bank for you before you arrive in the UK. 

Register with a medical doctor

You should register with a medical doctor (GP/General Practitioner) as soon as possible, to ensure you can access healthcare if needed.

De Montfort University has the De Montfort Surgery, while the University of Leicester works closely with Victoria Park Health Centre, and many students register there as it is right next to campus.

You can also find other doctors on the NHS website:

Follow us on social media

We will post important updates on social media, make sure you are following us on:


Leicester: @code_students








CODE Student Accommodation


Leicester: @codestudents

Other useful pages

Arriving at CODE

Advice on what to do when you first arrive at CODE, including how to get your keys.

Arrival info

Arriving out of hours

Help and advice on what to do if you're arriving out of hours.

Out of hours arrival

Collect parcels and letters

Find out how to get your post and deliveries via our parcel service.

Post and parcels